I was recently asked what I believe about the original sin (Adam and Eve in the garden.) Here is my thoughts:
(As you read this, please keep in mind that this is what I believe now, today. It is okay if you think differently. My thoughts and beliefs have changed many times over the years as I have navigated my relationship with God. That is the beauty of relationship. It requires communication, processing, understanding different points of views, etc. Relationships do not work well with rules or black and white thinking. Because there are 2 or more people involved when you are talking about relationships, there are always differing views, perspectives, and opinions. Trent and I have counseled many people and getting them to realize that just because someone does something different or thinks differently does not make them wrong – it just makes them different. And different is okay. This revelation in itself changes everything.)
The Christian narrative that I was taught and grew up believing was that we are all born into Adam’s sin (whether we liked it or not or even believed it or not) making us evil or bad from the start and in need of fixing. (Side note: this equates to humanity = evil.) I was also taught that because of this, we are all separated from God and have to DO something to fix that problem (confess that we are a sinner, say a magic prayer, get baptized, etc.) The problem that I have always had with this is that when you roll this down the hill – what is actually happening here is that I am saving myself. If it is up to me to DO something – ultimately I am saving myself. So where does Jesus fit into that? This line of thought ultimately makes Adam actually greater or more powerful than Jesus. If Adam’s sin covered all of humanity without our consent but Jesus is our Savior only if….. then he becomes only a potential – not the Savior of the whole world! I cannot buy that. If I did not get to choose the first, I don’t get to choose the last. There is much to say in Romans about Jesus being the last Adam and just as one sin condemned all – one act of righteousness saved all. It has to be at least apples for apples, if not better with Jesus.
Now to dive even deeper, I do not believe that we are born evil in need of fixing. When God created humanity, he created us all in His image and said we were good. (humanity = good) I do not think that ever changed from His perspective. I believe Adam and Eve are a representation of us all. At some point we begin to believe that we need to earn or deserve God’s love and free gift of grace. Before Adam and Eve sinned – they changed their mindset about God. They decided they were no longer good and needed to do something to make themselves better or worthy. Then they hid from God in shame, insecurity, and fear (tree of the knowledge of good and evil). God said, “Who told you?….” They separated themselves from God and his love. Additionally, in Colossians 1 it says, “Once you were alienated from God and were enemies in your minds because of your evil behavior. But now he has reconciled you by Christ’s physical body through death to present you holy in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation.”
I also do not think Adam and Eve’s sin took God by surprise. I think it was actually the plan all along. I don’t believe in God needing a plan B or C. There is a scripture in Romans 11 that says, “For God has bound all men over to disobedience so that he may have mercy on them all.” I believe we all must experience (and do experience) the Adam and Eve syndrome. I also do not think that we can enjoy God’s free gift without realizing our need for it. Romans also talks about how the Israelites missed it because they tried to establish a righteousness of their own instead of the righteousness that comes from God. In my opinion, we (the church in general) are still trying to do that today. In 2015, I spent 4 solid months studying everything Paul wrote about what the gospel (“good news”) actually was, that he was preaching, since he was the one that was commissioned to bring the gospel to the gentiles (us). What I found was not what the church (in general) preaches today. The gospel is actually a proclamation (“good news for all people”) that Jesus (grace alone) is our salvation! We can’t earn it and we can’t lose it. We did nothing to get it and we can’t do anything to void it!
This often confuses people as to heaven and the kingdom of God. My belief is that the kingdom is righteous, peace, and joy (Romans) which comes from knowing (believing, faith) that we are one with God, that His FULLNESS lives inside of us (Colossians), and it is now – not in the future. Jesus often said things like the kingdom is at hand and the kingdom has come near you. I believe that God’s free gift is direct deposited into every person, but the journey is to wake up to that truth and experience it in the here and now! If people do not choose to experience it now, I do not believe it nullifies the gift. Just because someone does not use the money in their account does not make it not their money.
I know that for me, believing that I was unworthy, evil, and must earn, receive, or somehow keep that gift left me tormented, empty, and full of fear and self-hatred. But believing that God’s gift is free, his love is unconditional, and I am one with Him has brought me peace that passes all understanding. I now walk in love more than ever before and have removed fear and self-hatred from my life.
Anyway – those are my thoughts! Thanks for reading!
Blessings” – Kami (livingfullyalive.org)